Are Human

A manifesto for making meaning

by Jeremy D. Cherry


A brand is only as good as the human endeavor it represents. Meaningful brands transmit value, dignify participants, portray products and services authentically, reduce waste, clarify confusion, and conveys our highest ideals.


01. Represent Humans

Brands must be ecological, reflecting who they represent.

02. Transmit Value

Brands must be useful, being both helpful and beautiful.

03. Dignify Viewers

Brands must be thoughtful, providing meaning to communities.

04. Portray Authenticity

Brands must be honest, echoing human aspirations.

05. Reduce Waste

Brands must be responsible, being mindful of their footprint.

06. Clarify Confusion

Brands must be clear, fighting confusion with clarity.

07. Convey Ideals

Brands must be symbolic, sewing harmony amongst diversity.


Here’s a collections of essays I’ve written pondering the topic of creating compassionate work for other humans:

Thank you to my faithful colleagues whose wisdom shaped these words.